It's the time of year when you may have received a new camera that takes extra large photos. It's also the best time to create your annual year book from last year's photos or create that 2012 calendar to help you remember all the dates you forgot last year. (ps if you publish either of those this month you will save 10% right at the check out).
So now you're ready to start that new photo project but all your photos are too large to upload to studio.
So here is the answer with step by step instructions.
See our HM blog post and save it on your computer for future reference.
Check out our website at and use January Resolution month to get some prizes. Until January 16th you can pledge to Make Something Special as in Publish 12 in 2012 and after you fill out the online pledge form you are entered into the draw. By the way there are 12 prizes. By pledging it also helps me so I'm aware of what projects interest you. I'm published over 100 projects personally so I can assist in a more thorough manner by knowing what interests you.
2012 - Make Something Special and Make it a Great Year!
Digital Designer Barb
Your Personal Publishing Coach