Wednesday, May 26, 2010

That Magic will never go away

What could be more perfect? Sitting on grandpa's knee with your stuffy and you're both reading a book together and of course getting a tickle at the same time.
I just read a blog post in a First Time Parenting context that stated scrapbooks were going the way of the Apple iPad...hmmm. I don't think so looking at this photo.
Yes I believe scrapbooking in particular has changed. I saw my Mom's scrapbook when I was preteen. It showed all the paper clippings from the local prairie paper of 'the boys' who were going to war. It also showed her pangent ribbon as Miss Manitou in a beauty contest circa 1930.
I loved looking through it and 50 years later it is still clear as day on my mind.
With our busy lifestyle and everything so INSTANT I'm not surprised that busy parents can't find time or space to do their traditional scrapbooking (often described as therapy or girl time).
I think we have made a big leap to Digital Scrapbooking because of the ease of digital photography and the TIME SAVINGS...I can design a page (and complete it) in 30-40 minutes. I can do an entire book over a weekend or less. With web based online publishing several members in different parts of the country can work on the same book at the same time. How cool is that to create that one of a kind book for Dad or Mom having access to everyone's photos and each one can design their own pages.
Yes the world is changing, but I can't believe the feel good emotion of reading to a child and showing them pictures of themselves in a personal bound book will ever go the way of the iPad.
It will be a sad day if it does...
What are your thoughts? storybooker and proud of it!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Time for Photography

Persistent- great name for a lifesaver
Since I've moved to what is termed "Canada's Riviera" there has been wonderful opportunities to take marvelous images. Ocean, mountains, luscious floral name it, it's here.

BUT, my self confidence to do justice to those images wasn't quite on par.

So what do you do...............well if you're me with built in entrepreneurial DNA you create a Newcomers Photography Club so you can find and mingle with like minded peeps. I've found with life or anything, someone always knows more than you do and likewise you also know more than some create a community and share, learn & grow together.

Through that association I came to meet a retired photographer by the name of Alan Cornall.
I signed up for a 4 hour lesson and he took me on a private photo shoot. This "Persistent" photo image is the result.

Wow, you don't know what you don't know! He pointed me to new ways to SEE!

It was marvelous to catch his passion (still there at 78) and to allow his enthusiasm to keep me going as we became mountain goats to get just the right light, the right view, the right everything.

I will be sharing nuggets of what I learn this coming year through this blog.

**Sign up** on the left and become a *follower* to make sure you get all of them.

Make it a Great Day!

Barb Ashcroft

Capturing Holiday Shots & How to Share Them

Rathrevor Beach, Parksville, BC Miles of beach waiting for the fog to lift.
We're now at the time of year when you gather the family, the dog and all the gear and head out for day trips or long weekend visits......and of course you take your camera.

Well hopefully, the images you take don't just sit there on the memory card, the pc or simply shrunk down to a tiny thumbnail on facebook. I want to show you a simple fantastic way to share your photos.

Step One:
Go to
Create a free account which takes less than 5 minutes

Step Two:
Login & go to My Photos Tab
Create a photo album (you can have an unlimited of albums, so use this technique to help SORT your photos, ie: 2010 April Family Trip)

My Personal Tip: If you name the year first then all of your photo albums will sort alpabetically and be easier to find. You can create folders as well but let's start with the album.

In case you'd like a visual view of this there is a marvelous short tuturial right here. It is one of nine on the home page of the website

Step Three: (illustrated on tutorial)
Click on and highlight the album that you want the photos to go into and and click on Add More Photos on the right side of the page. It will take you to areas on your pc where you've stored your photos. Choose which ones you want to upload and click enter.

Here's the MAGICAL PART !
Once you have your photos uploaded you can SHARE the entire album with family and friends right from the website.

Best part of this is, unlike facebook, this site does not shrink your image. Selected images can be downloaded to any pc at the orginal resolution......that is HUGE if you are wanting to create anything with them later. And if you're not the creative one in the family and you share the album with a relative that is, you can get them to create the family holiday book, calendar, cards right on the same website.

Super Organizer Time Saver:
Make it part of your regime that EACH time you take out your camera that the first thing you do when you get home is download the new shots to your pc and upload right away to your new account here....then YOU ARE SECURE, even if something happened to your camera, your memory card, your pc -your photos are preserved and could be retrieved at any time.

Now go out and enjoy the sunshine!
Happy Snapping.
Barb Ashcroft
Digital Storymaker